Dr Nicole Chen Lee Ping


Nicole is a licensed and registered counsellor who has served for over 23 years. After receiving specialised training in Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy and Multigenerational Family Therapy, she has focused on supporting couples and families for the past 10 years. She has more than 15 years of tertiary teaching experience in counselling and psychology-related undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. She was a committee member of the Qualitative Research Association of Malaysia (QRAM) from 2018 to 2020, and she remains active as the QRAM journal reviewer and expert consultant. She has been an active board member of the Malaysian Marriage and Family Therapy Association (MyMFT) since 2018.
She believes that family is an emotional unit; if we do not carefully manage past hurt and pain, future generations can easily absorb it. It is our responsibility to heal these hurts and pain to ensure a better future for ourselves and our children. Nicole perceived it as an honourable journey, able to support couples and families to go through this healing.