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Become Member

Why become a member?

You may be wondering why you should continue as a MyMFT member! Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive:

Types of Membership

Membership Eligibility

*All applications must be recommended and seconded by any Clinical member and is subject to approval by the board.

Become Member

Application process

1) Fill out the form: 

a) New/Renewal Membership Application Form

2) Submit a one-time administrative Entry Fee of RM50 and the membership fees* for the category of membership that is being applied for.

3) Membership Applications should include the following documents:

a) Proof of Identity – One (1) copy of Malaysian Identity Card or Passport

b) Academic Record – One (1) copy of all relevant academic transcripts and degrees

c) Updated resume – If applying for Clinical Membership, please include experience (number of years and organization[s]) working with couples and families.

d) Two (2) academic/clinical references – Any two (2) credentialed mental health professionals registered with the Malaysian Society of Clinical Psychology (MSCP), Lembaga Kaunselor, and the Malaysian Psychiatric Association.

Membership Fees

Entry Fee (For first-time applicants only): RM50

RM 150

per year
Clinical Members

RM 130

per year
Associate Members

RM 100

per year
Affiliate or Student

Note: Not applicable for the duration of free membership given with specified MyMFT training programme